ATAP – Requirements to Note before Applying for Membership

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Association of Threat Assessment Professionals

The managing director for Strategic Security Corporation, Joseph Sordi holds membership with the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP), an organization that encourages the exchange of information among threat assessment professionals and academics. Before applying for membership with ATAP, Joseph Sordi had to fulfill certain membership requirements.

Anyone interested in becoming an ATAP member should be in a professional role that involves threat assessments or violence risk assessments. This can include positions as diverse as law enforcement officer, researcher, legal counselor, or psychiatrist.

Potential members must:
1) Obtain sponsorship from a current member who is in good standing within the organization
2) Attend at least one chapter meeting as a member within the calendar year
3) Pay non-refundable annual dues.

Chapter meeting attendance can be substituted for attendance to the Spring Regional Conference or the National Threat Management Conference. Furthermore, attendance to certain educational seminars that are between four and eight hours long will count as attendance to two chapter meetings.

Given the nature of the organization, ATAP holds its members and other affiliates to stringent confidentiality requirements.

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